Everyone knows someone whose voice they can’t stand. They are so annoying. Or they are infuriating company. They ruin very good conversations.
Here’s some dos & don’ts to ensure you aren’t the annoying one in a conversation.
Share the conversation: Let others contribute to the discussion. If you are cutting people off, interrupting them, talking over them & dismissing them, you will be bad company.
Don't look at your phone: Be present. It devalues your company if you are actively removing yourself by being elsewhere in the world of social media.
Let people finish their story: If someone is regaling a tale, don’t divert the conversation before they have made their point.
Don't repeat yourself over & over: We can circle our thoughts to the point where we keep saying the same thing again & again. Put a line under it & move on.
Don't repeat yourself over & over: We can circle our thoughts to the point where we keep saying the same thing again & again. Put a line under it & move on.
Don’t be overly defensive or anal: Recognise when a joke is just a joke, and doesn’t need to be dissected. You’ll suck the fun & life out of the conversation if you nit-pick.
Recognise when a joke has run its course: The art of a good laugh is in surprise. A funny line that has become obvious isn’t funny anymore.
Don't constantly resort to sexual innuendo: If you use overly sexual remarks in a group, you may get a laugh, or some awkward polite laughter, but it will wear thin very quickly.
Stop flirting if it isn’t being reciprocated: If you're clearly flirting and your friend isn't reciprocating, chances are they won't jump in bed with you just because you suggest it 10 more times over the next 5 minutes. You’re just coming across as sleazy.
Bounce back questions: If only one person is asking all the questions, they’ll feel unappreciated. Do the easy courteous thing and at least return the same questions at them.
Don’t be unnecessarily & relentlessly negative: Life has good & bad. But don’t rush to point out the negative in everything. It makes you a downer. There’s a time & place to discuss your sadness & difficulties. But that’s not all the time.
You may not be intending to annoy others, but you may do it unintentionally. By being self-aware of the above behaviours, you can help ensure people want to talk to you again.
Let’s Talk.
PS: What other annoying conversation traits do you hate? Tell us in the comments.
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