Conversation is a great tool for processing big events in our lives. But certain subjects wear themselves out after being discussed too many times.

I don't really need to hear any more opinions about the pandemic. I bore myself talking about my day job so please don't ask. And the pineapple on pizza debate is not worth even a passing mention, so don't resurrect it.

Conversation is too valuable & wonderful to be relentless rehash.

Be a conversation life-saver. Breathe life into what otherwise will end up a dead interaction.

Having the obvious already-done-a-hundred-times chat is a way to not really engage in a conversation. You go into auto-pilot. At best it is mundane. More often than not , it becomes grating.

Be a conversation life-saver. Use your Awkward Silence subscription to open up new conversations. It breathes life into what otherwise will end up a dead interaction.

Awkward Silence sends subscribers new conversation starters each week. The annual app contains over 500 conversation starters.

Don't overdose on a subject. It's dull & unnecessary. Instead, open up a new world of conversation.

Let's talk.
