Scenario - Your friend introduces you to their friends and it goes something like this.
“Everyone, this is Pete. Pete, this is Bernice, Roger, Natasha, Tran, Arthur and Nudge.”
You say “pleased to meet you” and immediately forget everyone’s names. Then you aren’t sure who to talk to first, or what about.
How about if introductions went something like this?
“Everyone, this is Pete. He’s currently working on a film script.
Pete, this is Bernice. She invented a new kind of strawberry.
This is Roger. He trains guide dogs.
This is Natasha. She just got back from a trip to Tonga.
This is Tran. He does the best impersonation of Optimus Prime.
This is Arthur. He can do a flip.
And this Nudge. He once met the Dalai Lama.”
Now you already have something to associate with each person. You may still need a reminder of their names, but you actually can distinguish each person.
And before you have said a word, your friend has given you 7 interesting conversations ready to go.
Give people a ramp to conversation rather than dry titles.
Not sure that you could come up with something interesting for each of your friends if you were introducing them? Then you need to talk with them more to discover their passions & experiences. Awkward Silence’s range of conversation starters will help uncover these curious nuggets.
Let’s talk.
Use this cut & paste tool for reviewing the year with friends & family.