This Christmas, take some time to tell the stories of your family history.
Families are gathering together and spending time together. Even families that are accustomed to eating in front of the television will instead eat around the dinner table for the day.
Use that opportunity as a trigger for story-telling.
Ask your parents those big family history questions like:
- How did you meet?
- What can you remember about my birth?
- How did I get my name?
- What was Christmas like when you were kids?
- What are your memories of your parents/grandparents?
- What were our aunties/uncles like as kids?
- How did I change you? What were you like before having kids?
- What was your wedding like?
- Why did you decide to get married? How did you propose?
(Note: Obviously some of these questions may not be applicable to your personal family situation.)
“We may be reluctant to initiate these conversations as they can get emotional. And emotions can be awkward. Don’t be afraid of emotions.”
It’s also a perfect time to reminisce about loved ones who have passed on, such as family members and even pets. Tell the stories that make you laugh & cry.
We may be reluctant to initiate these conversations as they can get emotional. And emotions can be awkward. But emotions tied to the loss of loved ones are OK, because they demonstrate that you were blessed to have them in your life.
Don’t be afraid of emotions.
Now is also the perfect time to ask each other what bucket list items are still waiting to be accomplished. Be assertive with your life. Set yourself goals and a focus for the year ahead. You are still living your story.
Don’t forget to use your Awkward Silence subscription with your family throughout the year to hear their niche stories. A question like “Dad, what do you remember about your childhood?” may be too broad a question to get a comprehensive response. But specific ongoing Awkward Silence questions may prompt those stories to come out.
Tell & retell your stories, again & again. And may your Christmas celebrations be full of joy.
Let’s Talk.
Use this cut & paste tool for reviewing the year with friends & family.