This year has been a year unlike any other that we have experienced.

Those of us who are lucky enough get to press pause on this prolonged disaster so that we can experience some Christmas celebrations with loved ones.

As we gather together in joy & reflection, it'd be great if the talk wasn't just about the pandemic. While it is an ongoing issue that needs vigilance, it can be dull to continually converse about.

What should we talk about instead as we reflect on the year?

The year has brought many lessons in what we take for granted. We can contemplate what new adventures we want to endeavour on when restrictions ease and think about how exactly we are going to embrace life more. What will we do differently when this "temporary normal" is over?

We can think about those who have suffered most during the year. Those who were already having difficulties or were in industries that weren't financially secure took the hardest hits for the sake of society. How can you help those who need it in the new year?

The "Black Lives Matter" movement put the spotlight back on the consequences of everyday racism in our cultures. How is it that racism is so endemic in our culture after all these years? And what can we do to combat it in our everyday actions to relegate it to the past?

As we gather together in joy & reflection, it’d be great if the talk wasn’t just about the pandemic.

Talk about your hopes & ambitions for the new year. In this time with family & friends, update them on where you are at and the horizons you are contemplating.

Remember your highlights of the year. Our lives have been restricted but they haven't stopped completely.

And of course, if you just need some random conversation topics to share around the Christmas dinner table then use your Awkward Silence subscription or app. Perhaps even try a few of our conversation games.

Christmas and the end of the year brings joy, hope & reflection. Conversation is what keeps us connected and how we mine away the dirt to discover the gold inside of us.

Let's talk.

Thanks once again to those who have supported & continue to support Awkward Silence. We aim to change the world and we know you do too. We wish you every joy. 
