As a kid, there was something that would always make me lose interest & respect in an adult immediately. It was when adults talked down to me.

The tone of their voice goes a little higher. They ask cheap questions and refrain from big words. It only makes them sound stupid & amateurish.

It also puts a barrier between the adults & children, a certain distance.

We can under-estimate kids. They may not have the years of knowledge & experience we do, but they are very switched-on.

The fascinating thing about children is that they see the world in a different way to what you do. Even more, they have tremendous imaginations. Why wouldn’t you want to tap into that?

As with everyone, the best way to talk with children is by engaging with them. Have a genuine conversation with them and get a glimpse at who they really are.

The fascinating thing about children is that they see the world in a different way to what you do. Even more, they have tremendous imaginations.  Why wouldn’t you want to tap into that?

In fairness, kids can also be dull to talk to at times when they are going on about their toys or similar. A little patience will be rewarding.

Have a look at the world through the eyes of a child. In the process, you may rediscover something about yourself.

Let’s Talk.
