Complaining people are really boring, but sometimes we feel a need to unload the rubbish we have dealt with that day. Your partner is often the one to cop the brunt of this when you first see each other in the evening.
You’ve been biting your tongue all day because of the lazy co-worker who wouldn’t shut up, the bozo on the train who took up the whole seat, and the moron who cut you off in traffic.
By rehashing it all night long, you have let them ruin both your day and your evening.
We don’t have control over the behaviour of others, but we do have control over own behaviour. By reliving it, you are the one letting it continue to beat you down.
“If you need to complain, put a limit on it. Two minutes is more than enough time to point out what was wrong with your day.”
If you need to get things off your chest, apply some strategy to it.
The best strategy is to cap the recap of your bad day.
Dwelling on your negativity for too long will only feed it.
If you need to talk about it, put a limit on it. Two minutes is more than enough time to point out what was wrong with your day.
Then move on.
Move on to enjoyable conversation. This is the best cure for a bad day. And this is when you’ll really let it go.
A habit of complaining rewires your brain to create neural networks which default you into constant negative thoughts & attitudes.
Dwelling on the negative is unhealthy and will make you bad company. It will also impact detrimentally on your relationships. You shouldn’t bottle up your bad feelings, but limiting how much you talk about it makes it tolerable to listen to.
Let’s Talk.
Use this cut & paste tool for reviewing the year with friends & family.