Most enjoy some light-hearted back & forth. Witty banter. It's much better than keeping things straight or, even worse, being grumpy at each other.
Witty banter can result in fun conversation, like in-jokes that can last a life-time thanks to an off-the-cuff remark that one time.
The problem is when you only want to keep it at that level. Some people only want to keep things light. When a heavy conversation topic is on the horizon, they make a joke to escape it.
“It’s OK to be vulnerable. Vulnerability builds trust.”
It's OK to go deep. It's OK to have a serious conversation. It's OK to reveal something honest of yourself.
We can use jokes as a conversation defence. What we don't realise is that it's OK to be vulnerable. Vulnerability builds trust.
Need a catalyst for a deep conversation? Get a subscription to Awkward Silence today and you will receive conversation starters weekly. It gives you an excuse to ask big questions. But there will be some fun banter too. Subscribe today.
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