One of the many things that sucks about the pandemic is the limbo.
Making exciting plans is difficult because you don't know when you'll be able to implement them.
In my home state of Victoria, Australia, we experience intermittent lockdowns. It seems whenever I plan even a local getaway, the plans can suddenly be shut down. It's discouraging.
I feel like I've had an urge to go to Bali for forever. At the moment, I can't even have the carrot of picking a date and simply counting down to it. At the time of writing, recreational international travel is almost non-existent around the globe.
I know this season will end. It's not even a hope, I know it will end. It's just taking a long time.
Part of the fun of going on holiday is making plans for it. You do research, talk to friends about it, and it helps you escape the drudgery of your day-job & whatever else you're going through. It also peppers your conversation with something you are genuinely excited about.
How can you recapture that at a time when making plans is difficult?
“It peppers your conversation with something you are genuinely excited about.”
Here is my challenge for you. Make a bucket list.
It's not the most original idea. But my added challenge is that for each day you are waiting out this pandemic, add an item to your list.
It will get you thinking of things beyond this current trap you are in, elevate your thinking.
And it will give you something to talk about with friends. Perhaps you can each make one and compare what you've all added for the day. Or you can do it with your workmates or family, whoever you see on a regular basis.
When this pandemic is over, you will have a big list of ways to celebrate life.
In the meantime, you will have lots of reminders of life and exciting things to talk about.
What is on your bucket list? We’d love to hear it in the comments.
Let's talk.
Use this cut & paste tool for reviewing the year with friends & family.